Sowing of beans

Today we have prepared two new beds (or benches) one mulched with cardboard and another with hay seeds-free (grass clippings last week and dried in the sun). Both were seeded with organic beans.

Brunella semina i fagioli borlotti

Today we have prepared two new beds (or benches) one mulched with cardboard and another with hay seeds-free (grass clippings last week and dried in the sun). The preparation has been made before by drawing the boundaries of the field using ropes attached at the ends with wooden stakes (the length was chosen equal to the available space and the depth is equal to 120cm so you can get to the center of the bed without having to step on). I then spent the tiller on the surface to incorporate the roots and the remains of mulch of last year. Finally I dug passages, which width were about 30cm, bringing the land of the excavation above the bed, which is then smooth it out, ammendata with ashes and dung, and mulched.

The sowing was carried out in this way: we pulled again flush with the poles, far approximately 10cm from the edge. Along the wire, in the bed mulched with cardboard, the holes were made at a distance of about 15 cm from each other, cutting a cross in the carton and laying it before sow three beans per hole, then we wet the soil in the hole, covered them with a thin layer of soil. In the beds with hay, however, after drawing with thread, we moved the hay instead of drilling the carton, while other operations were identical.

The carton was provisionally fixed with folded pegs makeshift steel wire 2.5 mm. Were then added weights (sticks and stones) to cope with the wind which began to blow.